How to negotiate hospital bills

You ever get one of those hospital bills in the mail and just wanna cry "WTF?!"? Yeah, me too. But don't worry, I've got some tips for how to negotiate that sh*t and maybe save some cash.

  1. Don't pay that bill right away. Take a deep breath, you've got time. Hospitals usually send out their first bill a month or two after your visit. And even if your bill does go to collections, you've got another 12 months before it can affect your credit score. So don't freak out, give yourself some time to figure things out.

  2. Get an itemized bill. The hospital bill you got in the mail is probably just a summary that doesn't give you much info. To really understand your charges and negotiate your hospital bill, you'll want an "itemized bill" with line items and codes that you can cross-reference. You're legally entitled to receive one within 30 days of asking for it, so call the hospital's billing department and request one.

  3. Look for errors or inflated charges. This is where an itemized bill comes in handy. Compare prices to the market rates for similar services on sites like BlueBook, and make sure you weren't charged for something you didn't actually receive. Look for duplicates, and make sure you weren't billed for the same thing more than once.

  4. Negotiate that sh*t! I mean, why pay what they are asking if the market rate is considerably lower?! Oh helll no. Offer them some guaranteed cash money up front if they give you a DEEP discount. It’s no uncommon to get discounts of over 50%.

So there you have it, my fellow CYAers - four tips for negotiating your hospital bill. Just remember to take it slow, don't pay right away, and make sure you've got all the info you need to get the best deal possible. Good luck! (or just join CYA and we’ll do all of this for you)


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